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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Bonnie Brown is the mother of Myra, a bright 15 year old who hopes to attend the University of Cambridge when she graduates high school.  Their relationship is a close and loving one…and an unusual one.  Bonnie has an intellectual disability. 

Bonnie has been employed by Wendy’s in the Philadelphia area for many years and is supported by Community Interactions, a local agency with which I have had some contact.  Their special relationship can be heard as part of the StoryCorps program sponsored by National Public Radio.

Bonnie and Myra’s story reminds us that love is the deciding factor in determining the ability of a parent to care for and raise a child.  Love trumps everything.  We are not defined by how we look or how we think.  Rather, we should be defined by our willingness to exercise empathy and compassion in our interactions with all who enter our lives.  It is what Unitarian Universalism is all about.

Mark Bernstein
CERG Growth Consultant and UUA Liaison to Equual Access